First we make our habits and then our habits make us… or break us. Our habits can be our servants or our masters. Cultivate good habits because they are the ones that benefit you and that others admire. You might wish you could enhance these.
Your bad habits get you into trouble, because they are hard on your health, cause rifts with others, stand in the way of your progress, and are the ones you wish you could eliminate.
Cultivate Good Habits
In the book Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, you will find six magic words: “We become what we think about.” You have control over what you become if you believe in your ability to shape your destiny.
Choosing your habit of thinking will take you a long way. You do this by cultivating positive expectancy, optimism, persistence, buoyancy, resilience and determination. It means reading enlightening and inspiring literature, listening to podcasts, then attending seminars/webinars with top thinkers and successful people.
Gauging Your Future
Here’s a question: Is your future smaller than or bigger than your past? Looking ahead, do you see bigger and better opportunities or diminishing returns? Are you ramping up or slowing down?
As you look ahead, consider your habits, which ones expand your future and which ones cause it to contract? Which habits reinforce what you want versus what you don’t want?
What do you do every day, without effort, which helps you to succeed? Remember when you didn’t do that? What did you have to do to make it a habit? In most cases, it was determination, persistence and repetition.
What do you do every day, without effort, which causes you not to succeed and what habits prevent you from losing weight, and getting fit, What are you doing that is improving relationships, while building your business to its potential?
Take Control
If you want a different future than the trajectory you’re currently on, much of it will be determined by your daily habits. It’s true that we become what we think, so, what are the dominant thoughts in your mind? Which ones are your masters and which are your servants?
Take control and focus on the habits that will enhance your life and contribute to an even better future for you.
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