Intentional Activities for Organizational Success

Wednesday, March 13 2024
intentional action

Organizations never stand still. There is always activity occurring intended or not, so as leaders, we need to ensure intentional activities occur that are aligned with our desired direction. We need to be proactive about building key factors for organizational success.

Intentional Activities

Articulate a clear, powerful mission and meaningful values, so be sure to:

  • Involve your leadership team
  • Include representation from across the organizational spectrum
  • Craft a single statement of your central purpose
  • Outline the benefits delivered to clients and staff
  • Discuss what key, positive behaviours make your organization work most effectively together and express them in short, clear statements of values

Visualize your Organization’s Future

How will it meet the needs of current and potential new clients? Unveil customers’ unfolding needs by examining demographic, social, economic, political, technological, and marketplace trends, then consider the impact of these trends in the years ahead. Describe the organization’s future in the areas of finance, target markets, marketing, sales, required competencies, operations, innovation and technology.

Construct, Maintain and Renovate Teams

Assemble teams of individuals whose efforts complement and serve each other, then facilitate the discussion in each team to articulate their contribution to the organizational mission. Generate an outline of the plans and actions required to make it happen.

Maintain teams with regular meetings to share successes, then identify future milestones, and request and receive assistance.

Renovate teams through ongoing training and renewal of their vision and goals, and when appropriate, move people around. This may require adding to the team, shifting people internally, or parting ways with someone who is not willing to align with the organization’s direction.


Identify opportunities for provider-client relationships within your organization, because they matter. Listen to the requirements of internal customers and create a plan for delivering on these needs.

Celebrate Positive Efforts and Results

Make a habit of providing sincere and specific feedback to individuals and teams, because this can be an opportunity to reinforce the impact of their actions on clients and the ultimate mission of the organization.

A leader sets an important example, so set the bar by demonstrating your commitment to intentional activities, aligned with your vision. Attend to these actions and you lay the foundation for greater success in your organization.

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