Making work enjoyable? That’s a little like trying to convince you that going to the dentist will be enjoyable. Necessary, prudent, sensible and probably life enhancing… but can it actually be enjoyable?
Yes. Here are some ways to ensure your workplace is just that:
Make it a game.
We all like games with clearly defined goals and objectives, dynamic scorekeeping, and rules. Find ways to track your progress. Encourage team effort. Set up some wins.
Make it a learning experience.
As a business leader, you have a lot to learn if you want to succeed. Read books, take courses, and participate with other leaders in peer groups that focus on creating an inspiring workplace. Many business owners who participate in our development programs have fallen in love with their business all over again and have enjoyed learning how to make it more successful in preparation for transition.
Make it a personal challenge.
Set goals, because like planning to run a marathon or climb a mountain, you have to prepare yourself. Then, commit to adopt new behaviours, be disciplined, set mini-goals, and measure your progress.
Make it a team challenge.
Assemble teams and challenge them to use methods like value stream mapping to eliminate the steps in existing processes, because there is satisfaction in finding solutions themselves.
Reward yourself at specific milestones.
Reaching specific goals is the big prize, however, when you give yourself rewards for hitting targets along the way, you reinforce correct behaviours, build your self-confidence and receive encouragement to continue in spite of obstacles. The rewards don’t have to be big but they should be meaningful.
Making work fun.
One progressive way to keep work enjoyable is to help people step away from it once in awhile. Some companies offer employees the chance to take sabbaticals, so they can recharge. People come back refreshed and capable of doing more.
But we can’t exclusively think in terms of absence from work to make work fun. Luckily, the Internet is full of great activities organizations can use for team building, entertainment, and more. Make a commitment to include regular, spirit-building activities into your work week.